the moon has gone away.
the empty sky looks down
as if it were my fault.
its not like i hid it under
my pillow
or put it in the freezer
to later watch it thaw.
we barely met today.
i have been busy you know.
i say to a blank hole of emptiness
not a twinkling spokesperson in
just an overbearing presence.
don't bully me into a false
maybe you scared the moon away.
have you thought about that?
Silence meets me halfway
hanging in mid air oppressively .
a yellowed street lamp
whispers in a faded light -
he burnt out.
Waned into oblivion.
an unknown cloud performed last
the sky retires to look elsewhere.
as if now it could be found.
come sit with me
i tell the villain.
lets be friends. and drink to