Wednesday, July 24, 2024

anatomy of things

sleep comes more readily, willingly,
than unsteady thought that resolutely
rejects the fury of speed at the center
of modern sentience. having lost 
what was never a race, thought can 
only unfold across a different landscape - 
prep work for a deja vu that will present itself
in happenstances wedged in crevices
of familiar unfamiliarity, or vice versa.
the body recognizes the thought experience
dis/mis-placed in time and space. the body
        each of the aching contours
of thought's heedless leaps into 
theory, chimeras, even portents.
right at the moment of the fatal fall,
the knowing body engineers a scene change.
thought hitherto pulled down
by the weight of the unknown, now floats
in still water dreams, shape shifting,
becoming the lake itself.

when you wake up tomorrow morning,
trust the body. it knows more. and better.
listen and attend to its visceral counsel.