Friday, May 30, 2014


young.outspoken. more impetuous.
that could have been the diagnosis.
but my pain is old.perhaps as old as yours.
how then is yours so silent
even as mine shrieks,scratches,scuffles?
i wish you would teach me how to calm it down.
but i can your eyes.
you have followed your pain.
into a silence whose ignominy
is second only 
to the disgrace of my words.


i send you a yellow heart
for you are its sushine.
the dark dungeons
of viscous disillusion
have found windows
through which
you have entered.
the crimsoned bitterness
isnt a thing of the past
but a part of it
is yellowed by you, my love.
and thats what i give to you.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


forlorn roads.not deserted.
their burning neon lights
reach not
the darkness of the heart.
life here
is measured in heartbreaks.
home is far.and i drift further away.
this must be what success tastes like.


find me a muse
you would know
where to look.
perhaps the nooks,
those secret crevices
you have found
in our perpetual
hide and seek.
or that dimpled smile
on a darling face
that shines out 
of a memory every day.
day after day.
or the crimsoned horizon
lost forever 
once more 
in another dusk.
maybe leaf through
that yellowed book of poems
to find her laughing
in an august company.

my muse.She rests
in the deepest gorges 
of my bloodied heart.
let Her sleep.for some time.
its been long.

meanwhile, i was hoping
you could find someone.
and i know 
with a novice like you,
its risky.
but i trust do justice.
dont disappoint me
my dear.
or you will wake Her up.


a life lived in pieces.
not a jigsaw
with aspirations
of completion.
but in itself
of itself
Meaning's futile chase
will be a mere footnote
in the history
of this life.
lived in pieces.
not of a jigsaw.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


snatches of love.
ringing laughter.
curled up.
in the car's backseat.
snuggled up.
on a speeding motorcyle.
memory's tones
are monochromatic
for a reason.
timeless you
and ageless me
look beautiful entangled.
snares of love.
forever.once more.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

on holiday

it isn’t especially beautiful here.
sight seeing comes undone
under a myopic vision.
festive sounds hurt ears
that seek cemeteries.
there is the ocean
somewhere at the end of which
you might get the message
in a bottle i just floated.
it is unlikely though.
for one, you are afraid of water.
i intend to roam streets
from nightfall to dawn
looking for a wilted orange flower.
a street lamped spot of yellow.
ruby cheeked laughter ridden children.
to send you a picture postcard.
you will know my handwriting,
so names will be unnecessary.
or terms of endearment.
always such a burden for us.
there will be your address
(that i recall everyday,
to forget you)
and scrawled in green ink
(what else could it be?)


i want nothing of your delusional world.
your world of love. of hope.
of beautiful visions.
of a lofty existence
aspiring for reachable greatness.

yes. you are important.
but is this the only proof?

what we share
has got to mean more than that.
what we have
is more than the sum of our perspectives.
what this is
is the celebration
of you for you, me for me
and that little suspended space
where a delicate ‘we’ has been made possible.

both worlds intersect 
in longing.
let probing hands and ravenous eyes
help us find each other.
and dissolve.float.
in a gossamer woven of desire.
free from nomenclatures.
for after all, it is but that
that separates us.

so allow me my crass cynicism.
my muck. my slime.
my sub-human existence
that discounts the possibility of redemption.
and you can want nothing of my deranged world.

we will manage.
don’t worry.
for neither optimism nor bitterness
will bother themselves with
for how long’.

Monday, May 26, 2014


love beckons me.
unbecoming love.
an angry love.a tired love.
thwarting love.thwarted love.
hateful love.loveless love.
but damn me.
if i dont answer it's call.
for long long ago
you told me
love is all there is.
and you are all i have.

a menagerie called life

i am tired of being the keeper
of this maddening zoo.
Nothing happens here.
all the time.
and yet this world
never tires of its emptiness.
i try to rattle a few cages.
in the hope of something.
naught breeds. in this fertile silence.
nothing shakes this hallowed void.
not even the sunsets.
thats what gets me.
not even the sunsets.

resident evil

its the lies we tell ourselves.
unbecoming of us.
'necessary evil' is
but another strand of the web.
we have blotted our sight
and refashioned our vision.
made hearing untrustworthy.
surrounded ourselves
with paralyzing offal
to be underwhelmed by 
the stench of eternal verity.
the groping hands.
that is what we must fear.
Truth might lurk within a stray arm's reach.
tie them down. or else.
"The horror! The horror!"

eloquently yours

there is something to be said.
in response to your nothing.
constant in its inflow.
but all i have is silence.
damn you.
when i said i wanted to learn
a new language
this wasn't what i had in mind.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

love's abyss

your love is a bottomless void.
i look at it from the precipice.
nothing to push me in.
or to pull me back.
there i stand.and contemplate.
its a pretty ravine.with blossoms.
which winter will pluck sooner than later.
on the other side
tottering dangerously close to the edge
is a red rose.
the red rose.
the history of this..this love?
i watch it fall in.
petal by purpling petal.
and i make my way back.
saving myself
for other chasms life is lived in.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


waking up to a dream.
dreaming up wakefulness.
not knowing which is which.
irreverent desire
blurs boundaries
in a beautiful terror.
this has to end.
you need to leave.
i hereby claim
my body and soul back.

Friday, May 23, 2014


a rumpled bed.all raspberry.
its been another sleepless night.
of pillowed coziness.
weary mornings greet vacant eyes.
i know your silences.
made up of closely guarded nightmares.
loneliness is not your burden alone to carry, love.
i am here.for you.
i wish you could see me.
i want you to stop cleaning.
to stop gazing at my picture with betrayed longing.
i am not gone have kept me with you.
just follow the noose around your me.


a moment ago
i met you
in the kernel of a dream.

life's night sky
with your fireworks

but you are
the companion
of my rakish darkness.

daybreak brings its
accustomed promise.

my loneliest hours
are those of the sun.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

a choice

i choose my silences
more carefully
than my words.
i reserve them
for my most intimate.
the world can have
these meaningless words
If it cares
for like it,
they are impersonal.
pretentious. treacherous.
unintended in what they say.
but silence,
ah there's a friend
who makes life beautiful
and the people in it

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

fare thee well

a love unrequited
remains untouched
by experience.

when i hold it
the taint of my hands
rubs not on it.

it is the little light
in the dark chambers
of my cold heart.

its been a long wait
through perfidious dreams
and muddy reality.

the unending years
have tottered to a halt.
i can let you go now.

now when life unleashes itself
nothing will be exempted.
i will be whole again.

So, farewell to you,
my friend,
it's been a pleasure.

Monday, May 19, 2014

what can't be said

i can't say
i am full of sorrow
you will call me boastful.

i can't say
i wish to die
you will call me gimmicky.

i can't say
i am tired of pain
you will ask me to join the club.

i can't say
i don't want to be labelled.
you will call me demanding.

i have said so much.
without the hope of understanding.
which was all i asked of you.ever.

it is time to go.
and now
for once
you cant say.


stay asleep.lie awake.
in the blitzkrieg of life
entropy is the final frontier.
i am there.
now let us pause, oh life. i can stop.

going quiet

i wonder at your silence.
expected would be a lie.

the mind refuses to give in.
seeks refuge once more
in the world of words.

"et tu, Brute?
then fall, Caesar."

Sunday, May 18, 2014

the fall

sleepless nights.
swooning days.
the gift of love.

who would have thought
falling out of love
would be the same
as falling in?


once again between evening and nightfall
i return home to a crowd.
i wish there was more room,
it gets claustrophobic sometimes.
but every day i get to choose my confidante.
and nobody minds.
over swirls of smoke
i tell them about my day.
they have faith in my stories.
they never question.
sometimes i anticipate their thoughts
and set their mind to rest.
its always a quiet
intimate gathering.
they aren't friends really.
it is difficult to give them a name.
i know you came the other day. 
and all you saw was furniture.two chairs.a desk.
and books.mauve walls. 
curtains hiding windows with broken louvers.
and yet.
i had a more meaningful conversation with the chair yesterday
than i have had with you
in months.


in the in-between worlds
of night and day
sleep and wakefulness
truth and lies
daydream and nightmare
faith and hopelessness
our love blossoms.
illusive.ever elusive.
you and i are destined
for the horizon.
will you come with me?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

in conversation

“Tell me something I don’t know.”
How ominous.
what if i were to say
i am in the throes
of a forgotten
not yet forgiven love?
would that count?

i see you
look at me intently,
then look away,
and start talking of the weather.
yes, i know,
what else could have been said?
i shall retire once more
into my silent world.
perhaps that is how it should be.

and so,
i hear myself say
“i love pumpkin,
especially how my mum cooks it.”
your smile tells me
you are satisfied,
and we can move on.

questioning the answer

How do you do this?
“It’s so simple”, she says
“Just be yourself.”
As if my ‘self’
is frozen in a bottle
or drawn in perfect dimensions
with a scale and compass.
As if i’m not
the water
that takes the shape
of what it is poured into.
How do you do this?
I ask again, and walk away
without waiting for an answer.

Friday, May 16, 2014


Time sits still, on his chair
that has long stopped rocking
staring at a jumble of words
in a carefully preserved
nameless notebook.
Who was I annihilating?
the old man wonders.
a wary realization
of a wrong choice.
what remains is the mystery
of the megalomaniac.
the unobliterated words
on the last page,
as if written
for him.

He is in my shoes now.
He can’t go back.
And he will never know.


a lonely guitar
stands against a dark cyan wall
staring, without a wink
at the purple clock across it
unceasing in its pursuit
of the future;
taking in the loveless smoke
that invades the room,
if it remembers
the melancholy tunes
of its past
its strings
weary with anticipation.

the story of old love
is but always
one of resigned acceptance.

a day

a butterfly in flight
tentative flaps
around a sunburnt urn.
pigeons in conversation
a flood of sharp kisses
hurtful love.
a waspish embrace
in a playful chase
through no man’s land.
an overcast sky
handholds the afternoon
to premature death.

All in a day’s work.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

a difference of opinion

Old friend,
i am not like you.
i want the madness of passion
the rage of heartbreak
the impracticality of suicide
i can never be like you.

we will be friends
who could never be lovers
for friendship is practical.
love? futile.unprofitable.
a ridiculous waste of time.
ah hold fast to your time my friend,
i have my own appointment to keep.
so long.

(you will come i suppose
for the funeral.
play 'driftwood' for me.
and make sure
on my tombstone
they engrave nothing practical.)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

going around in circles

the lone bangle
that dangles from my wrist
is all i have of you.
in it
the circle of life.
which is but the same.
i am you.
i wonder
if i am floating in heaven
right now
and you are scribbling this
as the bangle scrapes
against the coarse paper.
once again,
the bangle.on the wrist.
does the wrist
hold the bangle?
or is it the bangle
that encompasses the wrist?
life's deepest questions
lie in this,
the lone bangle
that dangles from my wrist.


you are good for me.
your absence
fills the gaping holes
in my heart
makes me whole again.
i can breathe now.
you are good for me.

in other news

in a mounting stillness
an unlikely fluttering.
life breathes in dusty corners
cluttered with things unneeded
seeks not the nurture of love.


an aged fragment of paper
retraces its reluctant steps
to its faded owner.
a forgotten reminiscence.
an old love letter.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

of certain loves...

it breathes in spurts.
coughs a lot.
lies unclaimed.
occasionally identified.
its faded photo
on the ‘wanted’ board
is a blotch.
dead or alive.
same difference.
the ring stays worn
halfway through the finger.
no further,
either way.
words trail off
to complete themselves.
take turns.
stab, first.
then choke.
but just enough
so that
it breathes in spurts.
coughs a lot.

this halfway house of our love
needs to be burnt down.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

a piece of the past

something stays remembered
independent of bearings
of time or context
dances on the fence
of memory and oblivion.
but unreachable
the mist of thoughts
the conundrum of senses
yet unforgettable.
and yet 
so forgettable.


an exuberant moment dances
to the tune of forgotten love.
monochromes of life’s evenings
indelibly crimsoned.