Monday, May 20, 2019


look back, look ahead,

turn your gaze inward.
speak your heart's truth.
give in to its deep despair.
trace its shapeless joys.
allow yourself to laugh
at your follies, forgive
others and yourself.
self-pity is tempting, but
self-love must be made
of sterner stuff.or softer.
tire yourself. tirelessly.
rest.lean back.breathe.
let the sweat-ridden body
wash away the cares
of your besieged soul.

float in your silences,
let your thoughts flow
like leaves in a stream,
allow them to congregate
in crevices of stony banks.
leave them be. break out
of the forced calmness of
furious minds, with honesty
only empathy can carve.
above all else, listen.

listen with care to
firecracking noises,
the cracks in voices,
the peals, squeals,
yawps, howls, hoots,
tied tongues, earthy muffles,
fierce numbness, pins and
needles, torpor, stupor,
waxing, coaxing, waning,
the racing, pulsating, the
waiting, of split seconds
and entrenched aeons.

keep listening.
listen until you see.
see until you feel.
Feel until you be. more
the criss crossings
of empty(ing) dualities,
goings and comings,
kernels and shells,
yesterdays, tomorrows,
foreseen, untold,
unseen, foretold,
experienced, unlived,
nostalgia, regret, hope,
a pinch, a stab, 'et tu?'
no more. Surrender.
unto a watchfulness,
grateful and borderless,
embrace (your) infinity.

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